Berlusconi and Beyond; Friday 12 February Birmingham
posted by Geoff Andrews at Monday, February 08, 2010
Berlusconi and Beyond: Prospects For Italy,
Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret St. Birmingham
11.00 Coffee
11.30-1.30: Berlusconi and After. Roundtable discussion with Bill Emmott, ex-editor of The Economist, Paola Subacchi (Chatham House), James Newell (Salford University), Francesco Grillo (Vision) and Daniele Albertazzi (birmingham University)
1.30-2.30: Lunch
2.30-4.00: Prospects for the Opposition with Andrea Biondi, (Democratic Party), Geoff Andrews (Open University)and Charlotte Ross (Birmingham University)
4.00 Conference Ends.
This one day conference on Italian politics will assess the current crisis surrounding Silvio Berlusconi's government and explore the fortunes of the opposition, including the Democratic Party and the movements which have emerged in civil society in recent years. It will bring together journalists, policy-makers, academics and students of contemporary Italy. Admission free but please reserve a place with Sarah Grindrod
Berlusconi and Beyond: Prospects For Italy
Friday 12 February 11.00am-5pm. Admission free.
Birmingham and Midland Institute, 9 Margaret St, Birmingham B3 3BS